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Critical Illness Cover

Being diagnosed with a serious illness can come as a major blow. Make sure you and your loved ones are protected.

Phil Scott the mortgage centre
Author: Phil Scott -Director
Updated on July 5th, 2024
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What is Critical Illness Cover and When Would I Need It?

Critical illness insurance is a long-term policy that covers specific serious illnesses, including heart attack, stroke and certain types of cancer. It offers a one-off tax free lump sum payment that can help pay for mortgage payments, rent, debt or required home alterations, such as wheelchair access, that have to be made as a result of an illness or injury. The payments that such a policy offers can be a huge help at a stressful time, and vital for ongoing practicalities.

Let Us Work It Out for You

We’re dealing with the mortgage and insurance markets every day, and know exactly when new products or new incentives become available. All this, balanced with our 20 years’ knowledge and experience as independent advisers, means we’re in a strong position to find you the best option to suit your needs.

What to Bear in Mind

How much cover do you need, and how long will you need it for? You might want to take a look at your budget and think about how much money your household would need to cover living expenses and mortgage payments. Then you might also consider how your or their needs will change over time – as children move out, or you pay off your mortgage, your liabilities will decrease, and so could your cover requirements.

Taking Care of Your Health Outcomes

The Mortgage Centres are fully committed to providing a professional service and the best insurance options to all applicants who come through our door. We make an effort to get to know you and understand your needs, worries and plans. With offices all over East Anglia, we’re perfectly placed to work out the best protection to suit your mortgage, your loan and your situation.

Ready to Talk It Over?

Contact your local Mortgage Centres branch today and you’ll find an experienced, friendly adviser who will be more than happy to go over everything. Getting insurance doesn’t have to be complicated. Let us do the hard work for you. Contact us to speak to an expert today.

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